Talk:SD/MMC mod
From DD-WRT Wiki
In the intro section:
Compared to the SD/MMC modification using Samba this has some disadvantages: * Samba only works over a wired connection (so a wire between the PC and router is required) * Your PC needs to be powered up for the storage capacity to be available
- That should be "advantages" right? (not "disadvantages")
- Samba (at least now) works over wireless, right?
S2s2 21:20, 18 July 2008 (CEST) sez: Well, the whole wording of the sentence is terrible and must be revised.
I worked A LOT on the article, and just may have missed several spelling or grammatical errors entered by previous contributors. The Geeks may know a lot about the technical stuff; it doesn't mean many can construct a sentence worth a damn. Although somehow, I usually figure out what it is being said.
[edit] Success with 2GB micro SD card
This is an update to the main article to report that a 2GB micro SD card can work with a Buffalo WHR-G54S router. I used the included full size SD adapter as the socket for the micro size card, and soldered to the gold pins of the adapter.
At first, the router would not recognize the card, so I swapped it into my laptop with Knoppix. The sudo command would not get around the "Read Only file system" error, so I used su to become superuser an ran the mke2fs command from there without problem. I put the card back into the router, fired it up, and after about 45 seconds of housekeeping the router reported the true disk size, both on the Management page of the GUI and by the DF command via SSH.
The card I used was a KingMax (no-name Taiwanese) card that I picked up for under US$10, for what it's worth. Once I confirmed that the card was working in the opened router, I then used double-sided tape to stick the adapter to the top of the #1 LAN ethernet jack and filed the appropriate notch in the top half of the case. The adapter sticks out about 7mm, which is enough to easily insert and remove the card without interfering with the cords plugged into LAN jacks 1 and 2. It also seems reasonably sturdy, though if the tape weakens I can easily open the router again and replace the tape with a drop of super glue.