Wlan Repeater

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Revision as of 11:41, 17 September 2007 by Redhawk0 (Talk | contribs)
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To set it up as repeater do the following (you need to have the latest v24 beta):

  • do a 30 sec reset
  • Under wireless->basic settings:
    • Wireless mode: repeater
    • Wireless Network Name (SSID): the ssid of the network you connect to.
    • Wireless Channel: auto
    • Save settings
    • Add 1 virtual interface
    • enter an SSID of your choice
    • network configuration: bridged
    • Save settings (Use Apply button for V24 post 06/20/07)
  • Under Wireless > Wireless Security -> Physical Interface wl0 enter the necessary settings to connect to the wlan you'd like to repeate (if none, select disabled)
  • Under Wireless > Wireless Security -> Virtual Interfaces wl0.1 enter the encryption type as well as the password of your wlan (disabled for no encryption)
  • Enter all other necessary information, change gui password,...

[EDIT-Redhawk] You need to be on a different subnet then the host AP you are connecting to (Physical network)...try setting it to something like on the Setup>>Basic Setup tab (if a physical of is used for the physical AP) - see first note below....Note2 probably won't work. - 09/17/07

[EDIT-Redhawk] You also must uncheck all options for Block WAN Requests on the Security Tab....Then Disable the SPI firewall. If you don't, repeater mode won't work. - 09/17/07

This is by far the EASIEST and ONLY working solution found so far after testing on multiple units. Works with stock firmware from Buffalo and WRT on any Linksys V2.4 (with V1.1 it works also)

Note: With me this only worked after changing the IP adress of the repeater to another subnet under Setup > Basic Setup, for example: host/ router: repeater:

Note 2: For me it worked after changing the IP address of the repeater to host not .1 but .8 say, as follows, if host is repeater is (any number at the end but 1).