VLAN Detached Networks each with Wireless and Internet

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Public Free Hotspot and Private ESSID on VLAN's RC6 instructions

I now have my WRT54GL V24 RC6 serving separate public and private networks. My private network has WPA and my public network has an open ESSID for any to use, it's also on it's own VLAN on port 4 of the switch.

I put this together using things from this forum and the Wiki. Here's how....

For best results use a WRT54GL or suitable router with the BCM5352 chipset since this gives each virtual AP it's own MAC address. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/WRT54G#WRT54GL

First go into Wireless on the web interface and set up the main wireless which will be your private one wl0. You can apply WPA to this in the usual way. Then set up your first virtual interface for public which will be wl0.1. You can add another alias which can be included on the same pubic network. Leave these as bridged for the moment, in RC6 you can change them from the web interface anyway.

Now go into Setup/VLANs to put port 4 on VLAN2. This is not as straight forward as it appears since on my GL I had to select port 1 on the screen as this corresponds to port 4 in hardware. Early hardware http://www.tonns.org/openwrt/WRTSL54GS_layout_rev1.png GL hardware http://garycourt.com/wp-content/images/WRT54_sw2_internal_architecture.png So in effect I had to move the tick on port 1 to VLAN2, leaving it set to none, to do port 4 on the back of the box.

In the DNS Masq box paste and save the following:


Having saved these settings open a shell to the router and login as root. Paste to shell:

nvram set vlan0ports="1 2 3 5*"
nvram set vlan2ports="0 5*"

nvram set rc_startup='

brctl addbr br1 
brctl delif br0 wl0.1 
brctl addif br1 wl0.1
ifconfig br1 netmask
ifconfig vlan2 up
brctl addif br1 vlan2 
ifconfig br1 up

nvram set rc_firewall='
iptables -I INPUT -i br1 -j ACCEPT
iptables -I FORWARD -i br1 -o vlan1 -m state --state NEW -j ACCEPT
iptables -I FORWARD -i br1 -o ppp0 -m state --state NEW -j ACCEPT
iptables -I FORWARD -i br0 -o br1 -j logdrop
nvram commit

You will now need to reboot your router.

The way this works is first to put port 4 on VLAN2 and create wl0.1 then to create a bridge br1 and add VLAN2 and WL0.1 to it. With the iptable rules this is then connected to the WAN.

Clients on the LAN and LAN cannot ping accoss although they can both see the router on either or

I have not implemented bandwidth shaping nore Hotspot splash page but it's a start.