Repeteur Mode pont

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Etendre la portée d'un réseau sans fil grâce à un répéteur (routeur secondaire) qui augmente la portée du routeur primaire (ou de la box). NOUVEAU : depuis la V24, le routeur secondaire accepte des connexions à fil ET sans fil.

Le mode pont permet de relier deux segments de réseau par une liaison sans fil. Chaque segment physique est organisé autour d'un routeur. Le routeur primaire est directement relié à internet, alors que le routeur secondaire se connecte sans fil au routeur primaire et permet aux clients situés dans son segment d'accéder à internet et aux machines situées dans l'autre segment via le routeur primaire. Les deux segments seront dans le même sous-réseau et apparaîtront pour tous les ordinateurs du réseau exactement comme deux switches ethernet reliés par un câble. Comme tous les ordinateurs sont dans le même sous-réseau, les broadcasts atteindront toutes les machines, permettant à tous les clients DHCP d'obtenir leurs adresses IP auprès d'un seul serveur DHCP, même si elles se trouvent dans un autre segment physique du réseau. Il sera ainsi possible de connecter des ordinateurs situés dans un local et d'autres dans un local distant sans devoir tirer un câble ethernet entre ces deux locaux.

Mais un Pont sans fil standard a une limitation en ce que le segment de réseau créé autour du routeur secondaire n'accepte que des clients connectés par câble. Depuis la version V24 de DD-WRT, les clients peuvent se connecter indifféremment en ethernet ou sans fil.

Reference Image
Reference Image

Dans le cas qui nous intéresse, le routeur secondaire sous DD-WRT est configuré en Répéteur Pont connecté (sans fil) au routeur sans fil primaire (ou à la box) de n'importe quelle marque.

On suppose que :

Le routeur (ou la box) primaire est configuré dans un sous-réseau 192.168.1.X et attribue des adresses DHCP dans ce même sous-réseau. Le routeur secondaire a le firmware DD-WRT V24


Keep in mind any security settings will need to be configured including MAC filtering in order for the Secondary Router to connect to the Primary Router and also for clients connecting to the Secondary Router to gain full access to the connectivity of the Primary Router. There are some factors to consider when setting up Security for Client Bridge mode that may or may not be factors when setting up Repeater Bridge mode. I simply have not experimented with this.

[NOTE {Montrealmike}]Also when your adding WEP,WPA,WPA2 etc... between the AP and the repeater bridge you have to start with the AP first; then the repeater bridge.When you enable security on the repeater click save not apply, then click on the administration tab scroll down to the bottom and click apply settings. You will then have to power cycle the repeater twice ( unplug and plug back in twice ) in order for the repeater bridge and AP to synchronize. This has worked for four repeater bridges for me.

Edit - GeeTek - We know you are trying to help, but there is no logical reason to do a cold boot on anything 2 times in a row to make it work. Please double check your information before posting such advice. Some of the poor freaks out here may actually believe it to be true.

Edit - Altair - In my experience the above advice of power cycling the router has been confirmed. I spent 20 minutes trying different things to no avail before I finally gave in and tried power cycling it twice (I honestly didn't believe it would do anything). After the power cycle it has been working flawlessly.

Edit - pmiller - I can also confirm the power cycling to sync the repeater to the AP. You can confirm that the repeater has syncronized with the AP by going to the Status>Wireless tab on the AP and viewing the MAC address of the repeater with some % signal quality value. Before doing 2 power cycles on the repeater, the MAC address would display on the AP's Status>Wireless tab, but with 0% signal quality. After the power cycles the % quality displayed around 30%. I played around with other security settings later on the AP and found the 2 power cycles to be unnecessary after the 2 had originally sync'ed- no idea why this would work, but it did. I had some difficulty at first because I had security enabled on the AP as WPA2-Personal Mixed, which is basically WPA2-AES or WPA-TKIP simultaneously. The repeater is unable to connect with the AP in this mixed mode; rather you must choose between WPA2-AES or WPA-TKIP . I have now switched both my wireless security settings to WPA-TKIP (physical and virtual) just for simplicity, though in theory the virtual need not match the physical. Your security is as good as the weakest link. For those having trouble, I would turn off all security and turn on SSID broadcast first, then once you get a good sync turn on security on the AP first, then the repeater.

Accessing Both Routers?

With this setup, I have full access to both routers — which runs contrary to a lot of the notes concerning Client Bridge mode. One router is, and the other is I can access both from either side of the bridge. There is no need to change any settings or IP addresses or the like with this setup in order to do so!

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