Linksys WRT310N v2.0

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This page reserved for Linksys WRT310N v2.0 only

1. While on, push and hold down the reset button continously for 30 seconds, unplug the power while continuing to hold for another 30 seconds, then plug back in while continuing to hold reset button for a final 30 seconds. (90 second button hold-down time)

2. Go to from a computer, and instead of the normal linksys control panel you'll see a "management" window with 2 options, to upload a new firmware and reset the NVRAM. Click on 'Reset NVRAM' to reset NVRAM. Wait a few seconds, then unplug the router for several seconds, then plug back in.

3. Go to again, and this time use login 'admin' and password 'admin' to login.

5) Use normal Linksys firmware upgrade process(firmware updated tab) to load an image with broadcom_K26 and small builds:

dd-wrt.v24-13832_NEWD-2_K2.6_mini_wrt310nv2.bin or dd-wrt.v24-13594_NEWD-2_K2.6_mini_wrt310nv2.bin or dd-wrt.v24-13594_NEWD-2_K2.6_mini.bin 

Other versions may brick your router After the upload completes, wait 3 minutes to let the router 'settle down' after the 'upgrade successful' message.

5. Now unplug your router for a minute, then plug back in. Go to and you should see DDWRT's control panel, don't touch anything yet. Wait about 2 mins before heading to step 6.

6. Repeat Step #1 (30-30-30 Hard Reset).

7. Go to and you'll once again see the Linksys management screen. This time hit 'Erase NVRAM', unplug and plug back in your router. (Don't skip this step!)

Optional: A) "nvram set clkfreq=400,200,100 " "nvram commit" "reboot"

B)telnet into the router and run: date -s "2 OCT 2006 18:00:00"