LaFonera Software ipkg

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using ipkg on LaFonera

{ work in progress }

I am busy with it but also wondering, is it even possible, using openwrt packages for dd-wrt? If anybody has some input, please do.
In the ipkg.conf are already links .. so i think it is.

The ipkg utility is a lightweight package manager used to download and install OpenWrt packages from the internet. (GNU/Linux users familiar with apt-get will recognise the similarities)

The firmware itself is designed to occupy as little space as possible while still providing a reasonably friendly command line interface or web administration interface. With no packages installed, OpenWrt will configure the network interfaces, setup a basic NAT firewall, a secure shell server, a DNS forwarder and DHCP server.

Command Description
ipkg update Download a list of packages available
ipkg list View the list of packages
ipkg install dropbear Install the dropbear package
ipkg remove dropbear Remove the dropbear package

More options can be found via ipkg --help.

The configuration file for ipkg is /etc/ipkg.conf. Before you can install any addon package, you need to freshen the package list with

root@OpenWrt:~# ipkg update

what to do

  1. Make /etc/ipkg.conf writeble
  2. add to the list

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                       DD-WRT v24


BusyBox v1.4.1 (2007-02-26 04:10:50 CET) Built-in shell (ash)
Enter 'help' for a list of built-in commands.

~ # echo "src mbm" >> /etc/ipkg.conf
-sh: cannot create /etc/ipkg.conf: Read-only file system, (that is why there is a point one :)
  1. run update ipkg
  2. install desired package

How to use ipkg for installing software on your LaFonera

Found a site about it

Installing 1-wire protocol on a wrt54g with openwrt

Installing snmp ipkg on LaFonera in french.

Read here: Talk:LaFonera_Software_ipkg