Journalling Flash File System

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Journaled flash file system (jffs) is used to store user programs (Ipkg) and data into otherwise inaccessible flash memory.
Since the WRT54G and other models contain too little memory(4MB), it is not usefull to active normal jffs within them.
Consult JFFS File System for further information on additional storage.

/jffs with enough flash

Given you use the mini-version or have more than 4MB of flash you can activate jffs. Take care, that inspite of general purpose read/write not to store frequently changed files on it as this can cause flash wear out. Journal file is used to minimize frequent overwrites.

Enter the following commands (when you're connected via ssh or telnet on a shell):

nvram set sys_enable_jffs2=1
nvram set sys_clean_jffs2=1
nvram set jffs_mounted=1
nvram commit

might reboot/hang after cleaning which might take long, so be patient

Maybe the options in the webinterface below work for you (they didn't for me):

JFFS2 enabled: X Enable Disable
Clean JFFS2: X Enable Disable

To unmount the jffs(in case it was too small :-):

nvram set sys_enable_jffs2=0
nvram set sys_clean_jffs2=0
nvram set jffs_mounted=0
nvram commit

Afterwards you can nvram unset this variables.


Log in and run:
ipkg update
ipkg list

Tested on pre5

/jffs with little flash

If you have too little flash memory but need some memory under /jffs you can use Samba and mount the share under /jffs

To mount the samba share under /jffs you can either

  • Use a Startup Script
  • Use Samba Startup Scripts

NOTE: Even though you are not using the jffs partition on the router, you must still have jffs enabled in order to use ipkg. Disabling jffs also disables ipkg! See further instructions.

Use a Startup Script

Read first, howto use Startup Scripts. Then place the following into your startup script to mount the jffs partition:

umount /jffs
smbmount //<server's IP>/jffs /jffs -o username=<your username>,password=<your password>
  • NOTE: username is guest if hosted on windows

Use Samba Startup Scripts

This method uses 2 scripts: The first will be started from /tmp/smbshare, mount the samba share under /jffs and start the other script. The second will be started from /jffs and unmount /tmp/sambashare.

Now here are instruction on how to do so:

1) disable jffs in the webgui if you had enabled it
2) enable samba (see also Jffs_sharing_in_a_Linux_server).

3) create a script called "" on the share:


#smb settings: same as the settings in the webgui
# change these to mount a different share than the current at /jffs
SMBSHARE=`nvram get samba_share`
SMBUSER=`nvram get samba_user`
SMBPASS=`nvram get samba_password`

#script to start in /jffs once we're done mounting

#where to log what is happening
export SMBLOG=/tmp/smblog

####### ok, here we go... ;) #######
echo "" > $SMBLOG
cd /

#make sure jffs is unmounted. Its recommended to run without jffs enabled though.
echo "umounting /jffs if nescessary..." >> $SMBLOG
umount /jffs >> $SMBLOG 2>&1

#mount our smbshare at /jffs
echo "mounting $SMBSHARE at /jffs..." >> $SMBLOG
smbmount $SMBSHARE /jffs -o username=$SMBUSER,password=$SMBPASS >> $SMBLOG 2>&1

#hand over startup to the jffs part
/jffs/$JFFS_SCRIPT & >> $SMBLOG 2>&1

4) create a script called "" on the share:


#wait a sec, just to be sure the smb startup script has quit
sleep 1

#unmount the smbshare, its identical to /jffs now anyway :)
umount /tmp/smbshare

#to enable ipkg, we fake jffs enabled.
#since theres no commit, this wont actually enable jffs
nvram set sys_enable_jffs2=1

#ready to do specific stuff, like starting services
#or other commands from /jffs

5) in the webinterface, enable Samba with appropriate share/user/pass settings from step 2. Enter "" as the script
6) reboot

Now you should have the share configured in the webinterface mounted at /jffs and should also be able to run 'ipkg' !

  • NOTE: If you are a Linux newbie, and you have problems with file permissions, look at this
  • BONUS NOTE OF HAPPINESS: You need to save the script files in UNIX format, not DOS. One text editor that can do this is UltraEdit. Or Crimson Editor, which is free :o)