Dynamic DNS

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DD-WRT v23 SP2 and later use inadyn as its embedded dyndns client solution.


Setting up DDNS

Custom // URL Updates

With url updates, the client program usually submits a request using the hypertext transport protocal (HTTP) to a DDNS Server. The request will may contain your requested hostname (your dynamic domain name) and/or your IP address. The server then asks for the username and password. The client program returns the information to authorize it self, and the update is completed with the server request response to verify the result.

When your DDNS Service provider uses URL updates, you need to know the url which the client program requests. An example of such a url is:


The URL is divided into seperate parts, most of the time it is simple to divide the parts. The protocol usually appears first and is followed by "://" After the protocal is the location the request should be sent, this can be an IP Address or a domain name. Sometimes following the location is the port number. This is optional and will only appear when a ":" appears between the location and the uri. The URI is the last part which needs to again be divided, as it is sent to the server as one. It normally appears after the "/", location, and port.

The URI needs to be again divided. Everything in the URI before the "?" is the URI Location. Everything after the "?" are parameters for the URI Location. Many times, as in the above example is it specified in the "name=value" form. And commonly when more than one value needs to be specified, it is divided with "&" so "name1=value1&name2=value2&name3=value3" can be used to specify three parameters.

The example request above is:

Protocol: http

Location: example.com

Port: Not specified

URI: /dyndns/update?hostname=hostname.example.org

URI Location: /dyndns/update

URI Paramater "hostname": hostname.example.org

To confirm that you have the correct URL and can manually update your IP by using your web browser. When prompted, input your registered username and password. If you aren't registered, register one and setup (add) your dynamic domain name first. Once you have the information, you should be able to set it up using DD-WRT.

  1. Login to the Web GUI, Set DDNS under "Setup" to "custom"
  2. If the URL paramaters have "hostname" use "dyndns@dyndns.org" for DNS System. Otherwise use "custom@http_svr_basic_auth"
  3. Enter "Username" and "Password" with your registered username and password of your DDNS service provider.
  4. Fill in your hostname in "Host Name"
  5. Complete options in "Additional DDNS Options" textarea.
  6. Save Changes and Reboot Router

Additional DDNS Options

For the custom DDNS to work properly we must specify options so that the program knows what to do.

  • Specify the Server Name option, this is Location and perhaps the port (if specified) of the URL.
  • Specify Server URL Option. If you used the "dyndns@dyndns.org" as "DNS System" you need to specify the Server URL option as just the URI Location; otherwise you need to specify the entire URI.

Using the example above, the Additional DDNS Options should be:

" --dyndns_server_name example.com --dyndns_server_url /dyndns/update"

If this isn't working, try pinging checkip.dyndns.org. You may have to use the "ip_server_name" option if you are unable to recieve a response. The IP address option is used to specify an alternate source to get your IP. Many websites have options to view your IP Address. For the update to work properly, the IP Address check must be be done on the server side (no javascript/vbscript) and your ip address must be the first address on the page. You may need to confirm this by using "View Source" in your browser.



Dividing this URL is similar to dividing the one above:

Protocol: http

Location: www.dnsstuff.com

Port: Not specified

URI: /tools/my-ip-address.ch

URI Location: /tools/my-ip-address.ch

The "ip_server_name" option uses the Location and the URI. If there is not a URI, use "/"

The "ip_server_name" string using the server above should be:

"--ip_server_name www.dnsstuff.com /tools/my-ip-address.ch"

Note the space beteen the Location and URI.

If you have multiple dyndns domains under the same account and need to update them together, you can add one or more "-a" options to do so. ie, "-a SECOND_HOSTNAME.example.com". This only works if the domains are under the same provider and account.

So, finally, the additional options should be complete and will work in general cases.

Example Option

Example option for 3322.org (a chinese dyndns provider)

Username: USERNAME Password: PASSWORD Registered Dynamic Domain Name: SAMPLEHOSTNAME.3322.org

3322.org Updating Methods typical url: http://www.3322.org/dyndns/update?system=dyndns&hostname=SAMPLEHOSTNAME.3322.org


option string, using a chinese ip_server

using dyndns@dyndns.org " --dyndns_server_name www.3322.org --dyndns_server_url /dyndns/update? --ip_server_name www.bliao.com:2000 /ip.phtml "

using custom@http_svr_basic_auth: " --dyndns_server_name www.3322.org --dyndns_server_url /dyndns/update?hostname= --ip_server_name www.bliao.com:2000 /ip.phtml "