Ad blocking

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Revision as of 06:41, 30 June 2011 by Sash (Talk | contribs)
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This script, courtesy of several people on the forums, who probably should be named, will enable host-based ad blocking via dns; I tested this on my WRT54GS v4 and WRT54GL v1.0 both running dd-wrt RC5 std.

Current uptime is 11 days, memory hovers around 700kb free (14108 avail), was approximately 2000kb free before the script. Just put this script into "Startup":

logger WAN up script executing
sleep 2
if test ! -s /tmp/dlhosts
	cat >/tmp/dlhosts <<"EOF"
logger Downloading
wget -O - | grep |
	sed '2,$s/; s/[[:space:]]*#.*$//g;' |
	grep -v localhost | tr ' ' '\t' |
	tr -s '\t' | tr -d '\015' | sort -u >/tmp/hosts0
grep addn-hosts /tmp/dnsmasq.conf ||
	echo "addn-hosts=/tmp/hosts0" >>/tmp/dnsmasq.conf
logger Restarting dnsmasq
killall dnsmasq
dnsmasq --conf-file=/tmp/dnsmasq.conf
	chmod 777 /tmp/dlhosts
grep -q '/tmp/dlhosts' /tmp/crontab || 
	echo "45 23 * * 5 root /tmp/dlhosts" >>/tmp/crontab

Enable DNSMasq and Local DNS in Services tab; no Additional DNSMasq options necessary.

Ensure cron is enabled.