JTAG pinouts

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[edit] Introduction

If the JTAG pinouts for your router are not found on this page, search online for the name of your router + wiki, look for an OpenWRT link. Most times the JTAG pinouts with photos are available there. Another place to look is Wikidevi


[edit] Airlink AR430W

The router follows the MIPS 2.6 EJTAG Specification and has the same PIN information. But on the board the PINS are layed out as

1 2 3 4 5 6 7
14 13 12 11 10 9 8

1 - nTRST
3 - TDI
5 - TDO
7 - TMS
9 - TCK
2, 4, 6, 8, 10 - GND [you only need one GND for JTAG]
You dont need the following pins
11 - nSRST
14 - VCC
12, 13 - N/C

[edit] Airlink AP431W

Same as DWL-2100/2200 - See below

[edit] Asus RT-N16


[edit] Asus WL500g Deluxe

[edit] Belkin_F5D7230_v1000

To flash use latest wrt54g v4.8, with these parameters: /fc:29 /nocwd /nobreak /noreset
watch out for RA11 (under the minipci)

[edit] Belkin_F5D7231_v1212

[edit] Buffalo WBR-G54

jtag is pins 1-12 (normal jtag pinout: 3: TDI, 5: TDO, 7: TMS, 9: TCK)
| |mini-pci card
| |_______________
| 2 12 JP1
| o o o o o o |o o|
| o o o o o o |o o|
| 1 11 JP2


[edit] Buffalo WLA-G54

siehe [Buffalo WBR-G54]

[edit] Buffalo WLA-G54C

[edit] Buffalo WVR-G54-NF


[edit] Dell Truemobile 2300 v1

[edit] DLink DWL2100/2200

(Also Airlink AP321W)

Pin 1 to pin 14

Pin 3 TDI

Pin 5 TDO

Pin 7 TMS

Pin 9 TCK

Pin 6 Grd

Standard v2.6 EJTAG connector:


[edit] Fonera 2200A

The board: Image:3-FONERA_2200A_BOARD_JTAG.jpg

Standard v2.6 EJTAG connector: Image:4-FONERA_2200A_JTAG_v2.6.jpg

[edit] Linksys WRT300n v2


[edit] Linksys WRT54G v2

[edit] Motorola WE800G v1

[edit] Motorola WR850G v1

[edit] Parallel port - TJTAG 3.0.2 - /cable:wiggler

To get the Universal JTAG board, read this forum thread

[edit] Philips SNB6500 (v1)

Board before MOD: Image:1-SNB6500 BOARD.jpg Preparation: 1st step Image:2-SNB6500_BOARD.jpg Preparation: 1st step Image:3-SNB6500_BOARD.jpg First group of pads: Image:4-SNB6500_Dettaglio_1_JTAG.jpg Wires connected: Image:5-SNB6500_Dettaglio_1_JTAG_Collegamenti.jpg Wires flow: Image:6-SNB6500_Dettaglio_1_JTAG_Collegamenti.jpg Hidden connections: Image:7-SNB6500_Dettaglio_1_JTAG_Collegamenti.jpg Second group of pads: Image:8-SNB6500_Dettaglio_2_JTAG.jpg Wires connected: Image:9-SNB6500_Dettaglio_2_JTAG_Collegamenti.jpg Final look: Image:10-SNB6500_JTAG_Collegamenti_FINITO.jpg

[edit] Siemens SE505 v1

see [Belkin_F5D7230_v1000]

[edit] Siemens SE505 v2

You will find round Labels on the flash chip with 01, 02, 03

Nice German HowTo: JTAG for SE505 v2

I updated the jtagspi with a 8Meg winbond flash and added information if you have to fix the code to match your JTAG hardware
[1] with minor modifications and explanation of parallel port jtag to make your own

[edit] Related Links