Chillispot/zh cn

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[edit] 简短介绍

[edit] 执行摘要

ChilliSpot (chilli, chillispot) 的一种方式

  • 轻松地进行无线或局域网连接的计算机 在你的计算机显示一个正在加载页。
  • 重定向发生在第一个网页,直到用户点击进入(I Agree/Login).
  • 可选的热点赚取收入。
  • 提供一个WiFi使用协议,广告或其他街道或商业活动。
  • 积极主动的过度使用的预防:
  • 限制带宽,向上和向下,热点连接笔记本电脑或台式电脑可以使用。
  • 在一定期限内限制热点用户的次数可登录
  • 其他fine-grained限制。

ChilliSpot可用于单路由器,or extended with the use of external services to cover an entire metropolitan area.

[edit] 技术说明



  • 一个Web门户,用户将被重定向。这个门户可以提供诸如用户登录的任何访问控制服务的意思,网上结算等..
  • 一个半径为身份验证和记帐服务。在大多数情况下,RADIUS服务器和Web服务器将紧密集成,以提供先进的服务。
  • 有几个在网上提供者(Chillispot服务提供商,CSP)的有需要作出Chillispot工作的额外服务: Captive_Portal#Provider
  • 一个CSP的优点是你Chillispot热点最多可以在几分钟内运行。 website is only a copy of the original website, without any development. DD-WRT uses an older version of chillispot. Chillispot development continued, and it is possible to load the latest release of Chillispot into DD-WRT (more later, in an update to this DD-WRT Wiki article).

Also, CoovaChilli is another entire firmware distribution, based on OpenWRT, and available here. It includes the most recent version of Chillispot, but requires changing your router flash and learning a completely new way of setting up the router, especially problematic if you use your router for anything other than just a Chillispot portal. Since this is the DD-WRT Wiki, and not the OpenWRT Wiki, we are not going to cover CoovaChilli here.

More general ChilliSpot information

[edit] 术语和定义

  • DD-WRT设备: Your DD-WRT-flashed device!
  • Chillispot帐户: Your [free] account on or another On-line Provider of Chillispot services.
  • Chillispot Service Provider (CSP): An on-line (Internet-based) provider of the necessary back-end services for the DD-WRT Device running Chillispot. The major contributor to this Wiki and other authors use, but other CSP's are available. If you have good success and are familiar with Wiki-editing and Chilli, please update this Wiki with your preferred provider. A list of CSP's is at the bottom.

[edit] 先决条件

  • A DD-WRT-Compatible device programmed with a distribution of DD-WRT containing Chilli. Highly recommend build 13064 (10/10/09). See general flashing instructions elsewhere in the DD-WRT Wiki.
  • For those using a CSP (Chillispot Service Provider, see above), the DD-WRT Device must already have Internet access.
    • Check that a wireless laptop is connected through the DD-WRT Device and receiving web pages.
  • Important: For easy setup within the scope of this wiki article, Internet should come from the WAN (Internet) port of the router (normal router mode), not from the LAN port (router in AP-only mode).
  • If you are adding the DD-WRT Device to an existing private subnet to introduce Chillispot services, and your existing network has a subnet of 192.168.1.X, there is a conflict with the DD-WRT Device default LAN subnet. For the specific issue, you must change the DD-WRT LAN IP address to another subnet, like 192.168.2.x.
    • If you chain your hotspot off your existing LAN network, so the Chillispot users are a separate, private subnet of your existing LAN, the DD-WRT WAN interface is facing the LAN. It is recommended that you open management interfaces on DD-WRT to the WAN-side so you can control the DD-WRT telnet/ssh/web interface from your existing network.
  • Create a Chillispot Account on a CSP.
    • After signing up, the CSP should show you a convenient customized screen-image displaying the entries for the DD-WRT Device.
  • An ethernet cable to connect your laptop LAN port to a LAN port on the DD-WRT Device.
  • The DD-WRT Device's Web Management Interface must work. You should be able to connect to at http://192.168.x.1/, or whatever LAN IP you have set your DD-WRT Device. Later, for memory consumption and performance of the DD-WRT Device, the Web Manager's service can be disabled and run only when needed.
  • Set-up your DD-WRT Device's Wireless LAN, but disable encryption for the WiFi for now. This greatly simplifies resolving issues.
  • The simplest instructions here assume your DD-WRT Device currently provides your clients a single private subnet. If this sounds technical, it is the default setup of DD-WRT. By factory setup, a DD-WRT Device uses as a LAN IP, and all clients are assigned an address automatically of 192.168.1.x. While other configurations are possible, the easiest examples used here assume your DD-WRT Device is using the default settings.
  • The assumed LAN IP address of your DD-WRT Device's Web Management. If you have changed this number, use the new number.
  • 专家:When using Chillispot without using a CSP, you must provide your own Web Server to host the redirect website and a Radius Server for accounting. The Web Server and Radius Server may be installed on the same machine, but generally not the DD-WRT Device. Installation and Set-up of Chillispot without a CSP is beyond the scope of this Wiki article.
  • (old) V23SP2 Introduces the option of Enabling 'Separation of Wifi from the LAN Bridge': having ChilliSpot control only wireless clients. The existing DD-WRT Device settings are only used for the LAN. Clients behave as if the WiFi and LAN connections are separate networks completely. Most guides including the guide, assume this 'Separate WiFi' configuration is Enabled.
    However, new configurations are available with this option:
    • If you have Secondary Access Points specifically to increase the WiFi coverage, and these SAP's are physically wired into the LAN ports, then on the main Chillispot'ed DD-WRT Device, you do not want to 'Separate Wifi from the LAN Bridge'. Configurations A or B is recommended.
    • If you have 'public-access terminals' which are wired LAN computers, such as at a library, connected to the DD-WRT Device, and you want these clients to now be directed to the ChilliSpot Authentication Splash Page, you also do not want to 'Separate Wifi from the LAN Bridge'. Configuration A is recommended.
    • If you want to maintain a single, homogeneous network [all internet-connected devices shares the same private subnet], of wireless and wired clients, and your wired clients have been made secure from wireless attacks [outside of the scope of this guide], then you do not want to 'Separate Wifi from the LAN Bridge'. Configuration B is recommended.

[edit] Additional Prerequisites for Older Firmware

  • Highly-recommended to have firmware build 13064 (10/10/09) as the running firmware.
  • Firmware V23xx: If you haven't reset to factory settings after installation, do it, then reboot once more.
Anyone familiar with the V23-series firmware, please change the above point if this is only needed on specific revisions
  • Resetting to factory defaults is NOT needed for V24Final and later.

[edit] 配置

After carefully following the above sections:


  • New HotSpot Introduction: Hang a new DD-WRT Device with Chilli, off an existing LAN. Existing LAN is left completely alone. If you have a DHCP server or some custom corporate setup and you don't want to change or alter it, this is the best way.
  • One (1) network: Put both the WLAN & LAN clients on the Chillspot. This is good for people who want to switch entirely over to Chillispot on their LAN and WLAN networks.
  • Two (2) networks: Keep the existing LAN clients on normal services while splitting off the WLAN clients to chilli. This is okay if you already have a DD-WRT box managing services, and you only want the WLAN clients to go to the Chillispot portal page.

[edit] A配置::新HotSpot介绍, 现有non-DD-WRT子网

Add chilli hotspot services to an existing network.

The existing network is not changed at all.

All existing clients operate as before.

A connection from the existing network is plugged into the WAN port on the DD-WRT device. Besides changing the DD-WRT Device to allow WAN access to SSHd and the Web Interface, the steps are nearly identical to 'One Network Subnet'. New library access terminals, for instance, can be connected to the LAN ports on the DD-WRT Device.

[edit] B配置:一个网络子网, 将所有客户转移到Chillispot

Keep your pre-Chilli setup throughout. Move all clients to chilli. The LAN ports and WIFI are bridged together, and seen as a single network managed by chillispot.

Also known as, 'Separate WLAN from LAN' - Disable.

It is strongly recommended that before doing this, you should access dd-wrt's web interface from the WAN port. If you have a configuration problem with chillispot, you will still be able to access the configuration interface.

This setup is mandatory if you want to use WDS feature (wifi repeaters to extend the wifi range)

Chillispot has it's own DHCP Server. If 'Separate WiFi from LAN Bridge' is disabled, the DD-WRT Device's normal DHCP Server must be off.

Your existing LAN subnet was 192.168.1.x and your DD-WRT Device LAN IP was You have a conflict, as dd-wrt's WAN will be your LAN. So you must change dd-wrt's LAN ip to another subnet.

  1. From the DD-WRT Web Setup page, change the DD-WRT Device LAN IP to another subnet, such as & press Apply.
  2. Reconfigure your LAN client with, and reconnect to the Administration Web Site of the DD-WRT Device on
  3. From the Setup (Main page) of the Web Interface, turn off the DD-WRT DHCP Server.
Now, clients are temporarily no longer receiving a DHCP assignment. After enabling and configuration of Chillispot (covered later), Chillispot will create a virtual LAN interface at and provides DHCP Services again on 192.168.1.x for all your Wireless and Wired clients.
Enable Chillispot options:
    1. With build 13064/v24: Services, Hotspot - Chillispot section. or
    2. With v23xx: Administration, Hotspot - Chillispot section.
  1. DHCP Interface: select "LAN" this is the bridge between your LAN ports and the wifi.
  2. Fill in the information provided by the CSP
  3. Enable Chillispot
  4. Continue on to the next section, "Chillispot setup, detailed options".

[edit] C配置: 两网, 无线局域网分开。作为一个现有的路由器DD - WRT的设备,增加Chillispot职责

Chillispot管理WiFi客户端。 The existing LAN, after some interruptions, operates as before (same IP's, DHCP services).

例如: the existing DD-WRT set-up uses as the IP range and the DD-WRT Device is at Substitute your own numbers if there is a difference.
  1. 'Separate WiFi from the LAN Bridge' - ENABLE
  2. 启用Chillispot
  3. For build 13064 (10/10/09), DHCP Interface - leave at LAN. Older builds may have to select WLAN.
The previous 3 steps create a configuration called 'Bridge Separation'. It makes ChilliSpot control only your DD-WRT Device's wireless/WiFi. The LAN continues to function without being diverted to Chillispot, just as before. Your LAN ports are also inaccessible by the WiFi-connected computers.

[edit] Chillispot设置:详细的备选方案

  • RADIUS Server 1 As assigned by CSP. the name or IP address of the primary RADIUS server.
  • RADIUS Server 2 As assigned by CSP. the name or IP address of the secondary RADIUS server.
    • If you have only one Radius Server, leave as or specify the same field value of Radius Server 1.
  • DNS IP Your Internet provider's 1st DNS Server. This is available on the DD-WRT Device Status page.
  • Remote Network (1)
  • For One Network, change the default to, or your old subnet.
  • For Two Networks, it's here by default.
  • One could choose something else, like, so long as it is not the existing DD-WRT LAN subnet.
  • Redirect URL As given by your CSP. The address of the UAM Server, the web authentication portal.
  • Shared Key As given by your CSP. It's also called your RADIUS secret password
  • RADIUS NAS ID As given by your CSP. The RADIUS name of your Hotspot
  • UAM Secret is a secret password between the Redirect URL and the Hotspot. Given by the CSP.
  • UAM AnyDNS Allows Clients to use their own DNS servers. Allows ANY traffic through port 53. Only set this to 1 if you know what you are doing, and can reconfigure IPTABLES properly!
  • UAM Allowed is a list of websites that unauthenticated users are allowed to access.
  • MacAUTH Enabled or Disabled. Allows authentication of clients by their WLAN or LAN card MAC (hardware) address. Not used in this guide.
  • Additional Chillispot Options
    • If your local domain is 'local', then
      domain local
    • Your provider may offer another, optional setting for domain.
    • If your second Internet provider's DNS is for example, then for redundancy
    • To tell Chillispot to limit DHCP addresses to be part of the entire subnet:
  • dynip (2)
  • Can be most helpful in a 'one network' subnet setup.
  • Allows fixed IP's to exist from through 127 for your existing devices.
  • Apply Changes/Save, and if needed, reboot your DD-WRT Device.
  • Your Chillispot Hotspot should work now. If you tested your wireless client device before setting up Chillispot, right-click and 'Repair' the WiFi connection in XP to get a new Chillispot-provided IP address.

(1) Remote Network is the same as the net command, found on the Internet, elsewhere in references to ChilliSpot configuration and chilli.conf. net defines the Chillispot network. In DD-WRT, the field is called Remote Network, but it is the same setting as net.

(2) dynip configures chillispot to use a limited range of IP's within the net parameter, as the client DHCP pool, instead of using the entire net range. In this example, address assignments from to are assigned to clients. IP's from 2 through 127 are left for fixed assignments, and can be further specified by statip if DHCP clients come on the network which need a specific address from the chilli DHCP service.

[edit] 完成配置

When enabling chillspot, don't leave httpd running!

  • The Web Interface uses about 3 megabytes of RAM. That's 19% of a typical 16-megabyte DD-WRT Device's RAM.
  • Chilli also uses about 19%, or 3 megabytes.
  • Look below for how to run the Web Interface (httpd) as-needed.

[edit] Tips贴士

If you are not knowledgeable about your LAN security, or have insecure (i.e. poorly configured XP) devices on your LAN, to reduce possible attacks from wireless clients, you can enable the option: "Separate WiFi from the LAN Bridge" (your LAN won't be visible to wireless clients). If you /know/ your LAN is configured as secure, which it should be anyway, and you want to have access to your LAN equipment from your WiFi, then leave "Separate..." Disabled.

  • Chillispot will not start unless it can see the DNS Server specified the Chillispot settings.
  • Note that after reboot, it can take a certain time before a wireless client receives an IP address. Don't forget to switch back to automatic IP assignment (DHCP) on your client when testing!

[edit] 疑难解答

[edit] Your Client gets a Chillispot IP but no welcome page, or certain websites don't open (MTU Bug)

Maybe you are using a PPPOE modem and you are experiencing the MTU bug?

Add this to your Firewall Commands (Administration tab in the Web Interface, Commands sub-tab): Changes MSS to fit inside Chillispot tunnel. Important so some websites work properly, otherwise 'MTU Bug'

/usr/sbin/iptables -t mangle -A POSTROUTING -p tcp --tcp-flags SYN,RST SYN -m tcpmss --mss 1421:65535 -j TCPMSS --clamp-mss-to-pmtu

More info in this forum post

[edit] Chillispot fails after awhile, **memory full on router** Updated: 2009.11.11

This is a common problem when the infrequently-used Web Interface (httpd) is left running.

  • On a HotSpot (DD-WRT Device) with sixteen (16) megabytes of RAM, the chilli process uses 19%.
  • The Web Interface process, httpd, uses 19% also. About 3 megabytes!
  • Newer builds of Chilli are supposed to use less RAM, although DD-WRT may not have these yet.
  • The Web Interface uses a lot of RAM, and in any case, should not be left running on a production router.

[edit] 解决方案1: SSHd (run HTTPD only when necessary)

This is most suitable when no secured or direct, wired connection to the HotSpot is available. Or the HotSpot is to be administered over the internet. In this case, an encrypted tunnel is desired to administer the HotSpot.
  1. On the HotSpot Web Interface, go to "Services, Services, Secure Shell", and turn on SSHd, and turn off Telnet.
  2. On "Administration, Management, Web Access", turn off HTTP Access (httpd).
  3. Make sure access to the HotSpot WAN port is available if your setup is Configuration A: Hotspot Only. (See above)
  4. Save/Apply/Reboot as needed.


  1. For Configuration A, physically plug your laptop into the existing network.
  2. For Configuration B or C, physically plug your laptop into a LAN port on the DD-WRT Device.
    1. Open your browser and log in to the ChilliSpot page as if you want to use the internet, as Chilli's firewall rules will block your client from connecting to the DD-WRT Device/HotSpot otherwise.
  3. Putty (SSH) into the DD-WRT Device.
    1. The command may look like "putty" or
    2. "putty -P 60000", where 60000 is the chosen port number, if you changed the SSH port.
  4. Enter "httpd". (The command to restart httpd is different on older versions of DD-WRT (v23sp2))
  5. Open the Web Interface address on your client's browser.
  6. When you are finished, enter "killall httpd".

[edit] 解决方案2:Telnetd alternate, in place of SSHd. Added: 2009.11.11

Telnetd uses less RAM than SSHd, however it is a completely insecure (clear-text) method to connect to the HotSpot.


  1. Bring up the Web Interface of the DD-WRT Device.
  2. In "Administration, Management, Web Access", turn off HTTP Access (httpd).
  3. In "Services, Services, Secure Shell": Turn off SSHd.
  4. Scroll down and turn on Telnet (telnetd).
  5. Save changes


  1. Make sure your workstation or laptop data is secure to the HotSpot.
    1. Anyone who can monitor the traffic can see the root password sent to the HotSpot
  2. From a cmd prompt (Windows) or Linux: "telnet routerip"
  3. Enter "httpd" (only current versions of DD-WRT. v23sp2 requires a different command to start HTTPd.)
  4. In your browser: http://routerip. Log in.
  5. When finished, at the telnet prompt type: "killall httpd" <enter>

[edit] 使用“top”命令来检查内存使用情况

After using Solution 2, here is the "top" output:

Mem: 9012K used, 3992K free, 0K shrd, 1136K buff, 2836K cached CPU: 0.1% usr 2.9% sys 0.0% nic 96.8% idle 0.0% io 0.0% irq 0.0% sirq Load average: 0.72 0.29 0.10 1/22 778

 417   214 root     R     1184  9.0  0.4 top
 500     1 root     S     2500 19.1  0.2 chilli -c /tmp/chilli.conf
 157     1 root     S     1176  9.0  0.2 telnetd
 210     1 root     S     1660 12.7  0.0 pppd file /tmp/ppp/options.pppoe
 211     1 root     S     1504 11.5  0.0 /tmp/ppp/redial 30
  14     1 root     S     1504 11.5  0.0 watchdog
   1     0 root     S     1468 11.2  0.0 /sbin/init noinitrd
 454     1 root     S     1460 11.1  0.0 process_monitor
 221     1 root     S     1460 11.1  0.0 ttraff
 739     1 root     S     1460 11.1  0.0 wland
 214   157 root     S     1196  9.1  0.0 -sh
 511     1 root     S     1176  9.0  0.0 syslogd -R
 515     1 root     S     1176  9.0  0.0 klogd
 505     1 root     S      820  6.2  0.0 inadyn --input_file /tmp/ddns/inadyn.conf
 756     1 root     S      692  5.3  0.0 igmprt
  10     1 root     SW       0  0.0  0.0 [mtdblockd]
 545   505 root     Z        0  0.0  0.0 [sh]
   2     1 root     SW       0  0.0  0.0 [keventd]
   6     1 root     SW       0  0.0  0.0 [kupdated]
   3     1 root     SWN      0  0.0  0.0 [ksoftirqd_CPU0]
   4     1 root     SW       0  0.0  0.0 [kswapd]
   5     1 root     SW       0  0.0  0.0 [bdflush]

[edit] DD-WRT固件:Administration/Hotspot/Chillispot选项卡不显示

Make sure you are using a package that includes chillispot. Chillispot is not in the micro and mini versions of dd-wrt (consult this table).

[edit] Connection Failed on v23 Firmware

If your client does not recieve a Chillispot IP address you may have changed the Chillispot DHCP Interface. On older versions of DD-WRT Firmware, touching this setting breaks Chillispot. A fix is to reset to factory defaults and re-enter all your settings or use newer firmware.

If the UAM Secret you entered in Chillispot Settings is incorrect, you will have an authentication failure.

If the RADIUS Shared Secret is incorrect, the login process will hang.

[edit] 更多疑难排解的贴士


login: root 
password: <your password>



Worldspot Users: if you don't have any ping return, check the output of "ifconfig", and post it on the WorldSpot forum

If internet works from your router but you don't have chillispot working, check first that the chillispot process is launched with

ps -ef

You should see a "chilli -c /tmp/chilli.conf" process. If not, recheck your chillispot settings. For example, if you put a whitespace in the NAS ID, the chilli process won't launch.

Worldspot Users: If you need more assistance, you can post on the WorldSpot forum

[edit] For the FON Hotspot

Please see the FON Hotspot page for a guide and advice on setting up a FON hotspot using DD-WRT and Chillispot.

[edit] List of Chillispot Service Providers (CSPs)

A hosted Chillispot portal can be used to speed-up HotSpot setup and Management, and ease payment and other back-end requirements. Only a DD-WRT Device is necessary, the rest is done by third parties listed below.
Disclaimer: NONE of the following links are endorsements. You are Entirely Responsible Solely for your Choices.

Note: has been recommended by many people as having the best support and development. Some of the links are simply ads which were inserted into this Wiki in a badly-organized fashion , if this helps inform you about which one to test. Free for free hotspots. Earn 75% in revenue sharing (direct payment) or 100% with a subscription. Tickets (voucher) with a subscription or per ticket pricing. Free sign up with a revenue share based solution for paid hotspots. (French) Free access, tickets or online Paypal(c) tickets Chillispot Captiv portals hosting without Payshare system
Hotspotexpress HotSpot services to use with Chillispot
Chillifire Free or Fee Hotspots. receive your revenue into your own PayPal account - no delays, no currency conversion losses, no bank fees.]
dHotSpot. LITE Version (FREE) and PRO Version (2 cent logins)
Wifi-soft. Provides an enterprise-class, hosted hotspot management solution.
Skyrove free for free hotspots only, otherwise a payed account is required.
pointHotspot web-based hotspot management solution with online payment support for PayPal, Web-based billing software for wireless internet hotspots. $0 set-up, $0 monthly fees.

Any of these systems linked above are designed to replace both a local radius server and webserver, and bring powerful features. Simply register online and create your hotspot. Then you can get the chillispot configuration setting:

Setup DD-WRT for WorldSpot to enter in the steps below, and you can get your hotspot working in some minutes.
Chillispot info Chillispot Videos (French) Free access, tickets or online Paypal(c) tickets Chillispot Captiv portals hosting without Payshare system
SkyRove Chillispot Page

[edit] 最新消息

11:58, 4 September 2008 (CEST): Chillispot does not play nice with UPnP. Clients are blocked from setting up UPnP mappings. Someone aught to figure out the correct IPTABLES command to unblock the UPnP ports.

Here is what I got from Microsoft's site:
Port numbers for UPnP
1900 UDP port used by SSDP protocol.
5120 TCP port used for UPnP control and eventing.

11:58, 4 September 2008 (CEST): If there is no WLAN signal from the Client for 10 minutes, the Chillispot service sends a 'Lost Carrier' message to the Radius server. What this means is, should a client walk away from their laptop for a triple-latte mocha supreme (or whatever), and the laptop goes to sleep for more than 10 minutes, the Client is pushed back to the splash page to log in. Part of this logic is should the Client fail to log out, before getting up to get his triple-mocha, the system forcibly logs the Client off to save on ticket time, should it be a fee-ticket system.

Problems only seem to occur if the client is using an OpenVPN or SSH connection tunnel for the web access. The Client must disconnect these and setup a direct connection, or have another browser setup for direct Internet access. Refresh the page of the direct browser, and click the Disconnect/Connect button.